How Can the Bible Help Us Overcome the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Find True Peace and Contentment?

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In today’s world, the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has become a familiar feeling among people of all ages, driven by social media and the constant need to stay connected. FOMO can cause us to feel anxious and stressed and constantly compare ourselves to others, leading to a lack of contentment and joy. However, in this video, we will explore how the Bible offers valuable insights and guidance on overcoming FOMO and finding true peace and purpose in our lives. So, whether you’re struggling with FOMO or simply interested in learning more about the biblical perspective, we invite you to join us on this journey.

In 2004 Merriam-Webster dictionary sites that the word FOMO was first used. This word became popular among students and young adults, and in 2013 FOMO was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. But the term FOMO and how it affects us in our daily life does explain why we do some of the things we do. So let’s discuss the Fear of Missing Out and how it can affect our Christian or worldly walk.

Our experiences in life do have us looking to our friends, to those we admire, and to those activities in this world, wondering when will be my turn, I can’t miss out on that party, or those who are involved in that exploit are going to have so much fun, I wish I was there or could be affected. We all want to experience life, but when does experience it become too much or too costly?

  1. Philippians 4:11-13 – “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

I came across the word FOMO years late. The crypto craze was occurring, and many people were jumping on board, fearing missing out on the millions of dollars to be made. I would be lying if I didn’t mention that; at times, FOMO got me when I was getting involved in Crypto. Sure, I wanted to make some money, retire early and jump into helping others in this world. But God had other plans. He still had work to do in me, and if that had happened right then, I could have been very easily tempted to go back into a life previous to what I have found in Christ.

So how do we protect ourselves from FOMO, and what does God have to say about the Fear of Missing Out? There are things we may say, well, what if I am supposed to be in that situation, or God is calling me towards this or that? If God calls you towards something, God will ensure you are there. However, FOMO is often not used about God, to worship, or to biblical truth. Instead, it is most often used in experiences of this world.

So often, we hear young people talk about your body count. People don’t want to miss out on what others are doing, so they involve themselves in the same activities, believing that when they do those things, they will be seen as excellent, liked, and have fun. We fear the relationships we will have or won’t have if we do not participate or put ourselves out there in these situations.
The last time the guys went out, Timmy did something reckless, dumb, and stupid; everyone laughed and talked about it for weeks. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to witness him do something stupid next time. How about the fear of seeing your friends do something stupid?

It’s that you want to feel close to a group of people, and you do that by spending time with them. Who are the people you want to be close to? Are they worth your time and effort, and will it be a long-term friendship, or will it be for a time when it is quid pro quo?

All these FOMO events are just like when Satan tempted Jesus. He tempted Jesus into turning stones into bread. He tempted Jesus into casting himself down in desperation for God’s approval; then Satan offered Jesus the entire world. And Jesus was able to tell Satan no! Jesus told him no because Jesus knew why He was there. If it had been us, it would be easy to say yes, but the cost to God was too high. For all would have been lost.

When Satan tries to tell you, you will miss out on the fun, and when he tries to tell you it is ok because everyone else is doing it, even your friends, know that Satan is only lying to you. So when Satan tries to tell you that you are not good enough unless you go. He is trying to bring you to his level because he knows the longer he has you trapped by sin, the more he will make you feel guilty. He will make you feel shame and make you think that nothing you ever do will restore you to God, to good standing in this world, or that Jesus will ever help you.

Brothers and sisters, the only thing we should fear missing out on is the time spent with Jesus. That time we get to worship in all of God’s glory. If you do not have a FOMO on that and instead have a FOMO on the things of this world, you will be on the outside looking in forever.

  1. Psalm 27:4 – “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”

The good news is that you can change everything. You can change your entire life. You can change your story and be restored to whom God wanted you to be. If you are ready to change everything, rid yourself of the FOMO on the things of this world, and enjoy true peace, healing, freedom, and true love, you can pray this prayer right now! It is never too late.

Father God, I am a sinner. I am a broken human being brought into this world under sin. I have not obeyed your will, but I want to change. I believe you sent your Son here to this world so He would teach us. He would guide us into your ways and show us where we failed and sinned. I believe that He was tortured, that He was hung up on a cross for all of our sins, and that He died for us. I think that on the third day, He arose out of the grave and became our resurrected Savior so that we no longer had to experience a permanent death in this world and hell but instead have a life with You forever. I worship you, oh Lord, and I ask that you send the Holy Spirit upon me to guide me and show me who you are and where I can serve you. Father, I repent of my old ways. I ask that you forgive me and bless me so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and thrilled with you forever in Heaven.

If you prayed that prayer, I ask that you go to church. You find yourself in the company of Christians whom you can learn from, whom you can be in fellowship with, and you can see God’s work in them, and they can see God’s work in you. I ask that you pick up a bible. That you read it daily.

May the Father touch your head and show you the light. God bless, and as always, if you have questions or comments, please email me or comment here.


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