What is Church Fellowship?

In the book of Romans, Paul gives us much information regarding Jesus, worship, and how to treat one another. One of the major themes about Romans is not just the Law as given to us by God but the Christian Doctrine given to us by Jesus in coordination with the Law, not apart from the Law. When we look at the Christian Doctrine given to us by Jesus, written down by Paul in Romans, we see that we are all to glorify God together. Not as Jewish people, Gentile people, or separated by race, color, or culture, but together.

            Paul writing this letter to the Roman churches is an encouragement for everyone to be accepting of each other and realize that there is no difference in the eyes of God on those who have faith in Christ. The only difference is those who are not believers or followers of Christ. Some of those who believe in Jesus are stronger than others, and yet Paul tells us in Romans 15 that it is our obligation to lift up those who are weak in the faith.

            Have you ever heard anyone say they were not strong enough in their faith or need to place their strength in faith? Yet that is not what is being told to us. Once upon a time, you were a follower with little faith, and that mustard seed grew. Now, it is time in our fellowship with strong believers and those who are weak to lift them up and not leave them where they are but to bring them along with us. Our journey to grow in faith is as different as the number of people that reside on the planet, and we cannot force someone to be as strong in their faith. They must experience Jesus and the fellowship of those in Christ.

            This is where Church Fellowship comes into play. Leaving someone out or not talking to them because you do not believe they are where you are in your faith does not do any good for either of you. Instead, it leaves them right where they are, and while you may grow in faith, you leave someone behind to struggle in their weakness. “Now we who are strong have an obligation to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not to please ourselves. Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to build. Him up. For even Christ did not please himself. On the contrary, as it is written, The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” Romans 15:1-3.

            What can you do about it? That person you see that comes and sits by themselves week after week but never goes to a Bible study, or they come for worship and leave. Or maybe that person you know about and think they will never get to where I am in the faith. You are right if you do not lift them up and help carry their burden. That individual is searching for fellowship, and Jesus tells us that the church is where to get it. So why are they coming to church and still feeling alone when they leave?

            Keep your offering that day. Instead, take that person to lunch and spend time with them. Please get to know who they are and be in fellowship with them. If it is a couple, take your spouse with you, meet up somewhere, and offer to pay. I would rather see you keep the money that day and lead someone to complete faith in Christ than provide it to the church, and that person remain lost. Go and let all the peoples praise Him.

Your Brother in Christ

Jason Friend


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